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Annoy Me and You’ll Go To Jail, by Mike Gold – Brainiac On Banjo #270 @MDWorld

April 9, 2012 Mike Gold 2 Comments

The time may come when, if you read this column online, I could be put in jail. That time may come soon… starting in Arizona.

Arizona House Bill 2549 states if you post an offensive annoying comment online, you are guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. What is offensive? What is annoying? The bill criminalizes behavior that is used “to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend (using) any electronic or digital device.” Of course, it also outlaws lewd or profane language. You could be fined $250,000, and you could be sentenced to six months in the clinker.

Do you think this un-American attack on liberty could not possibly pass? Well, you’re wrong. The folks in the Arizona house and the Arizona senate have already passed this bill and it presently awaits their governor’s signature.

Do you think this is only Arizona, a state filled with freedom-hating fascists who make Torquemada look like Mister Rogers? Well, you’re right about Arizona, but they have proven to be a vanguard state. Their totalitarian immigration laws that compel the police to arrest people with foreign-looking or foreign-sounding features who cannot prove they’re here lawfully have influenced similar laws across the nation. Their banning of late-term abortions and their efforts in removing birth control from health care coverage have been even more-widely, and more-wildly, adopted or introduced in state legislatures across this nation.

No, don’t blame Arizona’s progressive attitude towards regressive laws restricting American freedoms. Blame the politically correct movement. We have so overly sensitized our nation that the slightest emotional breeze now breeds a psychological plague. That’s where all this started. A bunch of people who don’t have the courage or are too lazy to stand up for their own mores have been criminalizing our language. There’s very, very little distance between Arizona HB 2549 and so-called Hate Speech, which is the daddy of this act.

Freedom of speech only applies to speech that the politically correct find acceptable. This directly contradicts the intent of the Bill of Rights, the purpose of which is to protect minority freedoms, to provide a level playing field for all Americans. We do not need the First Amendment if we are unwilling to apply it to thoughts and beliefs that are unpopular at this moment.

If you think this bill, if signed, would be rejected by the Supreme Court, I strongly urge you not to bet the rent on this. Take a look at the decisions made by our Supreme Court lately.

And then ask me again after the November elections.

Offensive speech? Arizona HB 2549 is offensive speech.

Now go put me in jail, you cocksucking motherfucking electronic book burning Nazis.

Freedom Fighter Mike Gold performs the weekly two-hour Weird Sounds Inside The Gold Mind ass-kicking bizarro music and blather radio show on The Point, www.getthepointradio.com, every Sunday at 7:00 PM Eastern, replayed three times during the week (check the website above for times). It’s also available On Demand at the same venue. 

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  1. Rick Oliver
    April 9, 2012 - 8:15 am

    I’m speechless — which I guess is the point of the bill.

  2. R. Maheras
    April 9, 2012 - 8:44 am

    I predicted years ago that the “hate crimes” legislation trend would lead to the erosion of free speech in this country. A crime is a crime is a crime, and setting up special laws to shield special interest “target” groups once they complain or lobby for them results never-ending escalation of ever-more restricting laws. The reason is that politicians can never say “no” to any perceived maligned group without running the risk that the resulting “bad publicity” will hurt their re-election chances. The result? They’ll cave in every time — even when the new laws are clearly unconstitutional.

  3. Mike Gold
    April 9, 2012 - 8:50 am

    Nothing is unconstitutional; what”s “constitutional” is what the Supreme Court says is constitutional. There are these nine old people who get to decide who’s president and how corporations are human and who gets to live and die under the worst healthcare system in the civilized world. These old people are rabid ideologues — at least one believes the individual states have the right to establish official religions, denying religious freedom to all others — and many are beholden to the man who gave them the job, at least as long as that guy remains in office.

    “The highest court in the land.” As Abbie Hoffman pointed out, “they ain’t so high.”

  4. R. Maheras
    April 9, 2012 - 10:40 am

    I get your point, Mike, but, as a hopeless idealist who believes in our Republic and the Constitution, I like to think average schmoes like me still have some say in what is, and is not, constitutional.

  5. Rick Oliver
    April 9, 2012 - 11:51 am

    The voters in any particular state can obviously vote for representatives that will repeal this legislation. Alternatively, the average schmo can appeal a conviction all the way up to the Supreme Court. As much as I might dislike the current court, it’s better than the no Supreme Court at all, which is what Jefferson would have preferred (one of his many bad ideas).

  6. MOTU
    April 9, 2012 - 12:37 pm

    Arizona should be considered a terrorist nation.

  7. Mike Gold
    April 9, 2012 - 12:41 pm

    No reason to go to Arizona, MOTU. Or do business there. But, as we’ve seen, sometimes what starts in Arizona spreads out to America like a cancer. So maybe we should sterilize them; nuke the bastards back to the stone age. Which would be a time-shift of about a three years, max.

  8. Rick Oliver
    April 9, 2012 - 1:30 pm

    Arizona is full of freedom loving lovers of freedom who love freedom and have nothing bad to say about freedom. This new law will only affect people who have hateful things to say because they hate freedom. Freedom isn’t free. If you don’t agree, you can’t have any.

  9. Mike Gold
    April 9, 2012 - 2:26 pm

    I think them folks are hooked on jimson weed. They certainly act that way.

  10. Pennie
    April 9, 2012 - 5:06 pm

    What happens in Arizona doesn’t stay in Arizona. Just ask any Navajo.

  11. Jeremiah Avery
    April 10, 2012 - 6:06 am

    Mike, if you could make your title a reality, we’d probably be a lot better off. Then again, think of what the other inmates would have to endure! 😉

  12. David Quinn
    April 11, 2012 - 7:03 am

    Oh, Mike… do you have to always make so much sense?

    This reminds me of the Schoolhouse Rock parody from The Simpsons, The Amendment Song:

    Amendment: I’m an amendment to be
    Yes an amendment to be
    And I’m hoping that they ratify me
    There’s a lot of flag burners
    Who have got too much freedom
    I wanna make it legal for policemen
    To beat ’em ’cause there’s limits to our liberty
    At least I hope and pray that there are
    ‘Cause those liberal freaks go too far

    Boy: But why can’t we just make a law against flag burning?
    Amendment: Because that law would be unconstitutional
    But if we CHANGED the Constitution…
    Boy: Then we could make all sorts of crazy laws!
    Amendment: Now you’re catching on!

    Boy: But what if people say you’re not good enough to be in the Constitution?

    Amendment: Then I”ll crush all opposition to me
    And I’ll make Ted Kennedy pay
    If he fights back
    I’ll say that he’s gay

    Congressman: Good news, Amendment! They ratified you.
    You’re in the U.S. Constitution!

    Amendment: Oh yeah! Door’s open, boys!

    (sounds of gun and bomb-toting amendments running into the Capitol)

    More lyrics: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/t/the_simpsons/#share

  13. Mike Gold
    April 11, 2012 - 9:45 am

    We’ll never become a strict Constitution nation. It’ll drive down the price of slaves, and the Republicans will lose a fortune.

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