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Blasphemy – The Fire This Time, by Mike Gold – Brainiac On Banjo #389 | @MDWorld

January 26, 2015 Mike Gold 3 Comments

Brainiac Art 389Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer. • Mark Twain

Since we’ve been on the subject of free speech vs. religious zeal, I would like you to read the following paragraph out loud, in front of other people, preferably in a public place. Yeah, I know, I ask for a lot. Ready?

“Jesus Christ is a fraud and Mary was a slut. Moses was a floater; they never should have pulled him out of the brine. Muhammad has really rotten body odor. The Buddha looks like The Simpsons’ Comic Book Man without his wig.”

Oh, damn. Did I mention you shouldn’t say that in Massachusetts, Michigan, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Wyoming? I am really sorry. Blasphemy is illegal in those states – not to mention many individual counties, according to the Pew Research Center’s Religion and Public Life Project. You can be fined, incarcerated, or, I dunno, put in a pillory or something. Maybe even flogged.

Of course, as we’ve recently seen in places such as Boston and Paris, blasphemy also has the nasty habit of attracting the wrath of religious fanatics with pressure cookers and guns.

According to the Jewish Daily Forward, “In Massachusetts, the law makes it a crime to blaspheme ‘god by denying, cursing or (insulting) his creation, government or final judging… Jesus Christ… the Holy Ghost… or exposing to contempt and ridicule the holy scriptures.” You can be tossed in the clinker for a year and fined $300.00.

And Massachusetts is supposed to be America’s bastion of liberal thought and practice. Well, maybe it is.

In 2007 a Pennsylvania filmmaker wanted to register his company under the name “I Choose Hell Productions LLC.” He was informed he was in breech of state anti-blasphemy laws, and the state refused the registration. This brave freedom fighter sued in federal court and got that law rendered impotent, but it wasn’t until 2014 that the law was actually stricken from the books.

The French government did not kill the folks at Charlie Hebdo, nor did that government incarcerate these satirists. But the French ran fast in the opposite direction, jailing people who were exercising their incorrectly perceived right to free speech – that which is ridiculously called “hate speech.” These folks were saying things that annoyed some Jews. Today, Judaism in France is something of a fad. In the case of Captain Alfred Dreyfus back at the turn of the last century… well, not so much.

America loves to paint itself as the land of religious freedom.

This is a lie.

600 years ago we would have been burned for this. Now what I am suggesting is that we’ve advanced. • John Cleese

Mike Gold performs the weekly two-hour Weird Sounds Inside The Gold Mind ass-kicking rock, blues and blather radio show on The Point, www.getthepointradio.com and on iNetRadio, www.iNetRadio.com as part of “Hit Oldies” every Sunday at 7:00 PM Eastern, rebroadcast three times during the week – check www.getthepointradio.com above for times and on-demand streaming information. Gold also joins MDW’s Michael Davis and Martha Thomases as a weekly columnist at www.comicmix.com where he pontificates on matters of four-color.

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  1. Sarah Byam
    January 26, 2015 - 8:09 am

    Fortunately, unlike some religious folk, the devine has a sense of humor. How else do you explain monkeys who think they can think? We’ll work it out. Very, very sloooooowly….

  2. Steve Chaput
    January 26, 2015 - 4:17 pm

    Looking at that cover reminded me that probably one of the first things that I thought crossed the line in a religious sense(I was then a practicing Roman Catholic in a pretty strict Catholic household)was National Lampoon’s “Son-O’-God” comics. I felt guilty laughing at the strip at the time and could understand how some folks were really offended by it. By today’s standards it’s pretty tame.

  3. Mike Gold
    January 26, 2015 - 4:40 pm

    Yup. What was there, about a half-dozen stories, each maybe three or four pages? Yeah, Neal Adams is going to hell for that one.

  4. Steve Chaput
    January 26, 2015 - 7:31 pm

    I think the only thing that came close, at least as long as I was reading the magazine, was the story that was sort of a “What if…?” Jesus had been a woman. I’m pretty sure she was called Jessica. “Eat this bread, for it is my body.” Hubba, hubba said the apostles.

  5. Mike Gold
    January 26, 2015 - 7:35 pm

    Works for me. Divinity is in the mind of the beholder.

  6. Mike Gold
    January 26, 2015 - 7:35 pm

    Works for me. Divinity is in the mind of the beholder.

  7. Rene
    January 28, 2015 - 4:05 pm

    To me, blasphemy is akin to making loud farting noises at the table when other people are trying to eat. It is totally justifiable if they’re invaded your house and invited themselves to your table, or if they’re kidnapped you and chained you to their table. Then making loud noises is the least you should do.

    However, in normal situations, making loud noises just to annoy people trying to eat is childishly rude, though not a crime.

    Blasphemy is like that. When religionists try to impose their beliefs, it’s a valid form of protest. Otherwise, it’s rude and pointless.

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